English -> Russian
- General and business thematic
Azerbaijani -> Russian
- General and business thematics
- Law
- Commerce
- Politics
- Religion
Azerbaijani -> Ukrainian
- General and business thematic
- Law
- Commerce
- Politics
- Religion
Polish -> Russian
- General and business thematic
Russian -> Azerbaijani
- General and business thematic
- Law
- Commerce
- Politics
- Religion
English -> Russian
- General and business thematic
- Home appliances
Azerbaijani -> Russian
- General and business thematic
- Law
- Commerce
- Politics
- Religion
- Food industry
Azerbaijani -> Ukrainian
- General and business thematic
- Law
- Commerce
- Politics
- Food industry
- Religion
Polish -> Russian
- General and business thematic
- Law
- Commerce
- Home appliances
- Pharmaceutics
Russian -> Azerbaijani
- General and business thematic
- Law
- Commerce
- Politics
- Food industry
- Religion
Turkish -> Russian
- General and business thematic
- Law
- Commerce
- Home appliances
Ukrainian -> Azerbaijani
- General and business thematic
- Law
- Commerce
- Politics
- Food industry
- Religion
Order could be sent by any method that is convenient for you:
- The contact form which is presented on the site.
- Skype
- Phone
You can find my contact information in a section “Contacts”.
In order to assure the quality of translation, I could perform a free order in amount maximum 1800 characters.
The price
The price depends of amount of work, terms, language of translation and difficulty of the task. Contact me – and we can make a deal.
Terms of payment
- Usually, prepayment is 50% of the general price. The rest of the money is paid after getting the order.
- Orders of loyal customers could be paid after getting the order.
- If the amount of text for translation is more then 10 pages, there is a discount – 10-15% of general price.
The methods of payment
- Transfer on a bank account
- Yandex-money
- Money transfers with the systems: “Contact”, “Unistream”, “Western Union”, “Zolotaya korona” (Golden Crown)
- Personally in cash (in case of interpreting)